Mogrify Results

Predictions for conversion between dermal fibroblast and macrophage:

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Transcription factors for over expression

The transcription factors shown in GREEN are those that are selected for over-expression.()

TF name Source TPM Target TPM
MITF 0 87
SPI1 0 578
GCLC 0 113
IRF5 0 42
VAV1 0 66
TFEC 0 149
ZNF385A 0 213
MAF 0 81
TNF 0 24
CREG1 15 1007
CEBPA 0 91
MEF2A 21 76
GNPTAB 10 114
ZNF438 0 93
SLC11A1 0 285
CD86 0 145
MAFB 0 479
ARRB1 18 95
PYCARD 35 179
USF2 40 158
ZEB2 19 301
ARRB2 19 239
CREBL2 28 87
LYL1 0 34
NR1H3 21 280
ZNF589 0 28
FOS 32 40
IL1B 0 24
EGR2 0 138
BHLHE41 0 80
DBP 0 35
SFMBT2 0 20
BATF 0 27
TGFBR1 10 73
NFAM1 0 95
NFKBIA 47 109
CRABP2 96 295
NFKBIZ 13 26
FOSL2 20 28
IL10 0 21
ZNF366 0 28
SNAI3 0 11
CD80 0 17
NR4A3 0 11
KLF2 0 11
IRF1 21 36
PRDX3 268 339
HTT 27 73
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